ASPIRATION DAY : Why do we need to deliver our aspiration?

     Have you ever thought about ‘why is aspiration needed in our life?’ or ‘aspiration, what is that?’ ? Actually aspiration is really needed in our life, for our future, also for our growth, and to manifest our hopes and expectations. So, first of all, we need to know surely about aspiration and the importance of it. 
     What is aspiration? Aspiration is something that you want to achieve. It is a kind of idea or goal that you want to achieve. We also can similize it with the word ‘desire’, but of course in the positive ones. We need to deliver or speak up about our aspirations in order to achieve it. Why? Because when the others (government, organization, etc.) hear or know your aspirations, it will increase the possibility to achieve those aspirations. Not only for your desire and hopes, your aspirations also can bring many great changes to others life’s. Just like a sunshine that can change the pouring rain into the beautiful rainbow. Aspiration can change the bad or downturn condition into the fortunate one. 
     But, how to deliver our aspirations? Actually, when we deliver our aspirations to the others, we need to deliver it properly. First of all, we need to know what kind of topic is the aspiration included. Then, we need to know and gather many informations or relating facts that can strenghten the reasons why we do we have those aspirations. After that, we also need to choose the right aspirations, not the nonsense one. Because, as the millenials, we need to choose or pick the most important aspirations or the logic one. We mustn’t deliver the nonsense aspirations or ideas because that will make the others ignoring you because you seems like just talking nonsense. We need to know which aspiration that can bring the great or good change for the life, not only for yours but also for the others’. After all, we need to deliver it properly. We must deliver it in the good and polite ways. We should know the condition, also we need to behave nicely and politely. So that, the others will respect you as well.
     Another thing about aspiration, we also need to know that aspiration is similar to idea which means that it is just an opinion. It means that will be some people or sides whose don’t agree with your aspiration or have another opinions than yours. So that, we need to figure it nicely because when we deliver our aspirations, there can be a kind of question and answer or more likely a debate session, especially between the recipient of the aspiration and the aspirator. So, when we want to deliver our aspirations, it is better for us to prepare the reasons and facts that support your ideas. Just like a critical arguments. 
     Aspiration is really needed in our life. Furthermore, we as the millenials will be facing many more problematic condition in the future. So that, we should have the courage to deliver our aspirations in order to help or change the condition into the better and good ones. We all do have big dreams, big goals, and big hopes, but the question is, how can we reach and achieve it? One of many ways to achieve it, is that “deliver our aspirations”. Don’t be afraid to deliver or telling the others about your aspirations. Because, when you have those big dreams, goals, or hopes, but you don’t have courage to deliver or tell it, it will be meaningless. Just like when you like someone, but you don’t have any courage to confess to someone who you like, then, is she/he gonna be accept you? He/she even don’t know that you like him/her. So, we as the millenials should be dare to speak!


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