BAKDES : A Fun yet Meaningful Trip

Hello, welcome back to my blog! Its been a long time since the latest post, so now, I want to tell you another story or experince. What am I going to explain? It is called "BAKDES" or "Bakti Desa". Hmm... so, what is it?

Bakdes(Bakti Desa) or in english called as "Village Devotional", is a school program. In this program, the students went to a village which is not as modern as the city that we usually live in. In the village, there are many things that we may not see in the city. Such as the usual profession in the village, the facilities, the surroundings, the people, the usual habits, and others. That's why, this program held in order to give an experience for students living in the village. Furthermore, BAKDES is also a great chance for us, students, to learn culture in the village, helping the villagers, socialize with the new surroundings and people, and others. That's why I told you in the title of this post, "... yet meaningful trip" because it is really meaningful actually for us. We, as students, can get lot of new experience, life lessons, etc. Beside that, I feel that this "trip" to the village is kinda fun and refreshing. Because the village was on the highland and it has lots of garden, farm, and also the village was near the lake, rivers, waterfalls, and also water springs, so that it was really cold, yet refreshing our minds and body. Being in school and working on many tasks and tests made us feeling kind of "stressed" and tired. So, when we got to the village, it was really great! We felt the new condition and also we saw many beautiful scenery. It was really "photogenic". So, I will tell you more about what we did in the village.

So, at first, it was a little bit difficult for me because I brought many things. So that, it was HEAVY and I couldn't bring all of those stuffs by myself. Luckily, my friends were very kind to me, some of them helped me to bring the stuffs. Each class were living in the same RT or Rukun Tetangga. And, for the house, each house include of 3-4 students. After that, each group of students which consists of 3-4 students, went to their house. And.... another good news, my group (Ayu, Syafiqa, Rifdah) and me lived in a house which was "feel like 5 stars-hotel in a village". The house was very good for a house in a village. The host was a woman who lives alone in her house. She was very good to us. She also was very good at cooking. She had a Seblak, Noodle, and Coffee hut in front of her house. Her profession was making and selling Seblak, Noodle, and Coffee in her own hut. So that, because she didn't have garden or working on the garden, we only did nothing :). Actually we wanted to help her cooking or something else, but she was very kind to us. She didn't let us to help her. She was like our "mom". But, we felt bad if we didn't help her at all. So that, we decided to help her wash the dishes, especially our dishes. So, as the time goes by, we kinda felt bored. So, we decided to play some games together and also watching tv. "Our mom" then made some foods for us. All of the foods that she made were tasty! All have good-taste. When the night came, we watched tv together with her. And because the village was in the highland, when the night came, it was really really COLD. It was 16 celcius degree but felt like 14 (?), I didn't know, but it was really cold. And, LUCKILY AGAIN, there was some thick-warm-soft blankets in the bed. So that, we felt warmer and comfy...

The next day...
Because of that good and comfortable sleep, we woke up late. When we woke up, "our mom" or Ms. Eti has gone. She went to the traditional market. When we woke up, we immediately pray subuh, because it was near the morning, we were going to be late. That morning also was very cold. So that, we felt hungry. And then, we saw that Ms. Eti also prepared "gorengan" for us. Aaah... it was really delicious! Then, we decided to make hot chocolate and noodle. Our body got warmer. Then, Ms. Eti came back home. She then made the breakfast for us. After had the breakfast, we decided to go to the farm or garden. Then, we got out from the house. We went to the near farm or garden. But then, when we were walking halfway there, our friends told us that they were going back to their houses. So that, we were very LATE. Ok then. 
We decided to come back home. When we arrived at house, there was Jona, Shalma, Aulia, and Mrs. Budi. They were visiting our house. Then, we had some chit-chat together. Then, Mrs. Budi went to her house. Aulia, Shalma, and Jona still in our house. We were playing some games together. They also took a bath in our house because they said that the toilet was better. In the afternoon, we went to Balai Desa to see the farming counseling. We also took many beautiful photos in the hill near the Balai Desa. After that, we distributed "sembako" to the villagers. And... the night came. When the night came, our class made a bonfire event. We made the bonfire and grilled chicken. We gather near the bonfire 'til the midnight. 

The last day...
As usual, we ate the breakfast. On that day, we woke up earlier than the previous day. Not so long after took the breakfast, around 8 am, we went to Mrs. Budi's house which wasn't far from our house (ehm, its not ours too, its Mrs. Eti wkwk, sorry). Not so long after arrived at Mrs. Budi's house, we went to Situ Cisanti or Km 0 Citarum. Our other classmates went there with a pick-up car, meanwhile... we went there with school's car, which is really comfortable and full AC. It was because our other friends had gathered before we came. It was not because we were that late, but it was because our house or Mrs. Eti's house was kind of far from the others' houses. That's why, Ayu, Syafiqa, Rifdah, and me were more often being at home. But, because our house or Mrs. Eti's house was very comfy and great, our other friends often visited us in our house. Oh ya, lets get back to the previous story! (Time skipped) We finally arrived at Situ Cisanti. We walked exploring Situ Cisanti which is the 0 km of Citarum river. We took class-photo together. The scenery was great too. It was kind of refreshing. Around 10 am, we went back to our house. Ditha also visited our house and stayed there until 12 pm because she already packed all of her things. Meanwhile, Ayu, Syafiqa, Rifdah, and me were taking turns for taking a bath. We also packed our things. And, around 12.30 pm, we were ready to make a goodbye :(. We must go home. To our real home. Even if Mrs. Eti's house also feels like home :(. But, our parents missed us. Our parents are home. So, we made a goodbye to Mrs. Eti. We thanked her and also we were apologizing in case of we were annoying or not helping. We took a photo together. Then, she gave us a sac of potatoes for each person, as a gift or souvenir. We also made a goodbye to others people near the house. Then, we waited for the transportation to take us home. (Time skipped). We finally arrived in Bandung. Our lovely city. 

So, that's all that I can tell you about my trip to a village in Jawa Barat. I think that was really great and sooooo meaningful. Although there wasn't as modern as Bandung, but I kinda miss it now. Because there was no traffic jam, there was no school tasks and exams, I don't know, I just felt like very fresh, calm, and no burden at all. The people were very friendly. Actually, I wanted to help them. But, I couldn't do much for them. I wish that sometime I can help other people which are needing helps. I just remember that when I was playing on the hill near "Balai Desa", I left my snack box. Then, when I came back, the children were taking the box and opened it. I really wanted to eat the brownie, but then the children asked me from afar "can I take it?" and then without any longer, I said, "yes!". Then, they took the box and ate the snacks. They looked so happy. I was touched. 


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