Hello, its been a long time I never posted something here. So, in this post, I will tell you about an education event in my highschool, SMAN 3 Bandung. This event known as Edu Passion. This is the second time I’ve been going to Edu Passion. 
So, for this year, the title of the event is Edu Passion “AGRANASTA”. First of all, I wanna tell you some about Edu Passion. So, Edu Passion is an event that there are so many universities stand, and other education stands. Here, we can get many informations about the unviersities, the faculties, and others. So, its really helpful, especially for the highschool students. 
Now, I will tell you some about what I did in that event. So, me and some of my friends visited some universities and education stands. There, we interviewed and ask some questions. We got many infos. 
First, I went to IPB stand. There, I asked about the faculties in IPB. And he (an IPB student) answered that there are many faculties, start from Pertanian, Kehutanan, Dokter hewan (vet), Bisnis (business which is related to farm, nature, and others), and many more. Those faculties seem interesting for me! I think that its really rare to find those faculties in other universities. 
Second, I went to UI (University of Indonesia) stand. There, I asked some. Like, “how’s the life as UI’s student?”, “what is SIMAK UI? Is it much more difficult than SBMPTN?”. And, some of them answered that “oh, actually it is still fun, we can get more new friends, some of them from Jakarta, and its a new thing that we can know and get used to Jakarta’s style of language, and others.”. Also some of them said that, “Simak UI is more difficult that SBMPTN, its true.”. Beside that, some of them also describing the faculties. They were really welcome to us. Beside that, I also took some photos with them. 


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