Hello Again!

     World Tournament is a english event held by OSIS. It is held in Saturday, a few weeks ago in Senior High School 3 Bandung.
     This event was using Pirates theme. So, every students in 10th grade who came to this event wore pirates clothes. Every classes had their captain. It was a unique event that the students could be creative and also use their innovation to make some decorative things related to Pirates theme. 
     Besides you can be more creative, you also can develop a good teamwork. This event also can be a good time for improve your english. You can be more confidence in using you english with your friends. 
     This event was started at 08.30. When the event started, all the participants gathered in the front of the school. There, all the participants received some instructions of this event or this game through the announcement form the king. All participants must follow the rules and instruction. As the name, "World Tournament", in this event, every classes were competing to be the winner of this game. Actually, it was not only a game, but also an educational game. Because besides you can play some games, you also can get some new experience, such as do some missions.
     In the first mission, we played a games which is called "Guessing the pictures". In this game, we should guess some pictures into some words. After that, we should find some clues about the treasure. Because besides playing some games, we also should find the treasure. The treasure was hidden in a place in Senior High School 3 Bandung. 
     After doing the first mission, we moved to another place where we would do the next game. But, when we moved to the other place, the attack was coming to us. Some "bandits" attacked us  with the water. So that, we  should protect our team from the attack. But actually, it was no problem if you get wet but, if the protector of our team get wet, our team would be eliminated from all of the games.
     In the next mission, we should solve some codes. The codes are actually some english words. After we found the words, we should tell those words to the committee of this mission. If we were right, we could win this mission. But unfortunately, my team was lose in this mission.
     Same as before, when we moved to the other place for playing the next mission, we got attacked by the bandits. In the third mission, we played a games which is called "word chain game". Each team should deliver the word until the last person. The first person would get a word then the first person would deliver it to the next person and so on until the last person. The last person was in the third room. So, the delivers should keep the word until the last room. The last person would write the word on the whiteboard. And happily, my team was right and we win this mission.
     In the next mission, we played a simple math game. But, when we answered those math questions, we should answer it with a word which has some letters and the total of letters is the answer of the questions. It was a unique game!
     After that, we moved again to Centrum Music Park to play the fifth mission. In this mission, we should throw some balls into a bowl. After we throw the balls into the bowl, we will answer some questions, such as geography.
     Last, we went back to the school. Finally, we did a water war. A lot of the participants from the 10th grade threw a lot of water to each other. It was really fun! Although, I didn't join the war, But still, I got wet ;-;... But it was exciting experience for me.
    Before the world tournament ended, the OSIS or the committee announced the winners of this event or tournament. For the best team category, the winner was my class, X Science 5! I was really happy that my class win this event. My friends and I didn't expect this would be happen. But, beacuse our good teamwork, we could win this event in Best Team category.
And for the best costumes category, the winner was X Science 6. Their clothes and costumes were very nice and they looked like the real pirates.
The committee gave the winners some gifts, such as foods and drinks. 

It was really an exciting events!


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