MOONBOW : A Beautiful Night Natural Phenomenon

What is moonbow? A moonbow (also known as a lunar rainbow or white rainbow), is a rainbow produced by moonlight rather than sunlight . Other than the difference in the light source, its formation is the same as for a solar rainbow: It is caused by the refraction of light in many water droplets, such as a rain shower or a waterfall. Moonbows are much fainter than solar rainbows, due to the smaller amount of light reflected from the surface of the moon. Because the light is usually too faint to excite the cone color receptors in human eyes, it is difficult for the human eye to discern colors in a moonbow . As a result, a moonbow often appears to be white. However, the colors in a moonbow do appear in long exposure photographs. Moonbows have been mentioned at least since Aristotle's Meteorology (circa 350 BC). Where is it found? In the United States such bows may be s...